WMI filters on Windows 7 and Windows 10 – Case Sensitive

Hi again, after a long period without posting I’m here again.

Today I’m going to share with you a sing post about WMI filters on Windows 7 and 10

This week to solve a GPO issue related to “networking connectivity loss” affecting Windows 10 Workstations we deployed to different GPOs for Drive Mapping.

After a few minutes, we figured out that the GPO wasn’t being applied.

GP Result

WMI filter created

Windows 7

and Windows 10


As the WMI interpreter is Case Sensitive copy and past the appropriated commands to be executed as shown below respecting Capitalized and UPPERCASED words

Please, also have in mind that during the CTRL+C CTRL+V process the “” might change into another ” and this is also one more reason that causes WMI filters to fail.

Windows 7
select * from Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version like “6.1%” AND ProductType=”1″

Windows 10
select * from Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version like “10.%” AND ProductType=”1″

Happy to have you here,

Thiago Beier
MCSA 2012 | MCSE: Private Cloud and Communication
Totonro, ON – CANADA
skype thiagog-df